Distant Learning Programs (Online ) for Priests, Religious & Laity
Jyotir Bhavan, Kalamassery offers two Distant Learning Programs (Online) for Priests, Religious & Laity, in 2024.
- This program deepens the formation in Christian Spirituality; and gives credential of expertise in his/her service/job in the parish and in the Church’s different sectors of service and ministry
- The Certificate consists of 40 academic credits
- Two years; conducted over four semesters; Sept-April 2024-2026 ONE-YEAR DIPLOMA IN CARMELITE SPIRITUALITY
- Diploma Certificate in Carmelite Spirituality
- The program consists of 25 academic credits conducted over two semesters; Sept-April 2024-2025
- It consists of a comprehensive and more in-depth study of Carmelite spirituality giving particular attention to mystical and contemplative dimensions
For more details of the course and admission procedures please visit our website https://www.jyotirbhavan.in/courses/distant-education-program-diploma-in-christian-spirituality or Call +91 8075685127; 9847069646