Christmas Sparks Day 19 “Joy in the Midst of Sorrow”
Elaborate decorations, dazzling lights, ear-piercing fireworks, sweet-smelling gifts, and Christmas preparation videos filling our mobile screens—everyone’s efforts to turn Christmastime into a time of celebration and joy. However, amidst all this, there is a reality we must remember: Though Christ was born for the joy of all people, He too bore a great deal of pain. The pain He endured was not just in the manger or on the cross, but also in the unseen sufferings hidden behind the smiles of the world. Let us remember those moments.
The pain of the Father, who decided to give His only Son for the world, the pain of the Son taking the first step off the throne of heaven towards the cross, the pain of motherhood trapped in the walls of doubt, the pain of a carpenter having to go through anguish and turmoil, and yet, even amidst all that intense suffering, insults, and poverty wrapped in torn cloths, we often forget when we stand before the glittering decorations of Christmas.
‘Every Christmas saddens me. The memory of all the mansions on earth closing their doors to a poor carpenter and his pregnant wife haunts me. It was the night when the stars were taken away from the people. On this night, when I recall that sorrow, how can I celebrate this Eucharist, my children?’ These are the words of Daniel Achan from the song “The Rain That Does Not Fall” by Sebastian Pallithode.
You will experience as much joy as you are able to accept and understand human suffering, and the joy that the Saviour brings. All other joys fade away like snow when the Christmas night dawns.
When I hear that some young people are preparing to step into the streets with food packets on December 25th, a sense of joy fills me. But my prayer for them is that such acts of kindness continue
Vijay P Joy