Christmas Sparks Day 12 Let’s Open Doors
When the innkeepers slammed the door to Mary and Joseph that day, they missed the holy birth. But, He was born in a manger to win everyone. The only ones who lost out were those who shut the door. When we slam our doors shut, we deprive ourselves of the possibility of salvation.
Many people often approach us not expecting anything. Many of them come to open their hearts to someone, to seek comfort and solace. When we slam our doors out of prejudice and selfish interests, aren’t we worse than the innkeepers who denied room? If we cannot help others in their sorrows, crises, helplessness, isolation, or even provide a small helping hand, how can we be called Christians? We cannot prepare a crib in our hearts just by going to church and praying. There must be the love of Jesus who sacrificed His life for others. There should be care. Let us strive to keep those in need close to our hearts, realising that faith without action is dead in itself.
It is unimaginable for us to shut the doors to a pregnant woman. All the more painful if
our hearts are closed refusing to understand those around us? When we are able to look into the eyes of others, wipe their tears, read the depth of their inner pain from those eyes, and comfort them, our hearts will also become a manger. Baby Jesus will come and be born there.
This Christmas, let us open the doors of our hearts to the sorrows and worries of those around us. May Baby Jesus bless everyone.
Sujamol Jose